Caroline Sanders, French translator
♦ Translation from English to French of
• legal and personal documents (with NAATI-certification when needed)
• your message: editorial and marketing content
♦ French copyediting
South Australia
Let’s build bridges between Australia and France
French translations adapted to your needs
What type of translation do you need?
Do you need to have Australian legal or personal documents translated into French?
I translate your legal or personal documents into French so that your French contacts, the courts or the administration, can deal with them, and advance your project. You let me know how the translation is going to be used (e.g. in a court case, sent to French legal professionals or to the French administration, as a work in progress) and I adapt the translation accordingly.
Do you want to have your Australian web content translated into French?
I translate your content from English into French so that your French audience can understand them, and act on them, more easily. You let me know who will be reading your French content and I adapt the translation accordingly.
Generally speaking, translating your content or documents from English into French aims at helping you:
- reach a French audience,
- send a legal document to French contacts,
- get a visa,
- get married, do business in France,
for example. You may have your own reasons to request English-to-French translations.
You’re writing in French, and you would like your French text copyedited?
I can copyedit the French text you’ve written to make it more engaging and impactful. You let me know who is going to read your French text, in which circumstances, and I adapt the revision accordingly.
Is it for a website? Do you want to sell something? To share a message? To send a resume or an application in French? Or just an email to French contacts?
Who am I?
My name is Caroline Sanders. I am French, and a NAATI-certified professional translator. I have also formally trained as an English-to-French legal translator. And I enjoy making Australian content available in French.
With my Australian husband and our Franco-Australian daughter, we live immersed in two languages and two cultures. This is challenging – and a lot of fun.

« If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. »
Do you need help with French translations? Send me an email to:
Translation of Australian legal documents into French
Who are you communicating with? The judiciary? In this case, I'll mirror the layout of the source document. Or is it website users, customers, partners, or legal practitioners? The translation will take your audience into account. Read more about legal translations
Types of documents translated: contracts, deeds, powers of attorney, affidavits, business law documents, family law documents, court documents.
Translations for publication from English to French (marketing, editorial)
This is what you publish (whatever the medium) and what you communicate about. In this case, the focus is on your French audience taking your message to heart; it is about content and form. Read more about translations for publication
Types of content translated: website content, LinkedIn profile, "our story", articles, brochures, presentations, newsletters, blog posts, press releases, terms of use, policy statements.
Certified translations from English to French
Some translations required for official purposes need to be NAATI-certified, for example: birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, consent orders, parenting orders, decrees of dissolution of marriage, death certificates, ASIC database extracts. Read more about certified translations
Translations for information English <> French
A translation for information focuses mainly on content and less on form. As it is not polished, it is not suited for publication, nor is it certified. Read more about translations for information
From English into French or vice versa.
French copyediting
You probably use software for simple copyediting, i.e. checking spelling, grammar, punctuation and syntax at sentence level.
I can help you make your text more engaging and impactful, or more concise, depending on what you need. In short, adapted to its intended use.
What is the purpose of the text you're writing? Let me know what you need and we'll come up with a solution. And if you're not really sure, let me know, and we can arrange a time to discuss your needs. Read more about French copyediting